Human Resources & Employment

We will post available employment opportunities here, so check back often. We’ll make positions and application information available when a job is open.

Current Job Postings

APL Micro-Credential Facilitators and Reviewers
Multiple positions available!
The Advance Program Level (APL) micro-credentials support Level 1 teachers advancing to Level 2 and Level 2 teachers advancing to Level 3 through a competency-based process of stacked courses. Each micro-credential is supported by an assigned facilitator (APL I-II) or a reviewer (APL II-III) to guide and mentor the educator through the content.

Applicants are required to be experienced Level III teachers. These positions support, mentor, and facilitate advancement for Level 1 teachers and Level 2 teachers as they work toward their Level II or Level III teaching licenses. Please apply for the Micro-Credential Facilitator position online.

Advanced Program Level 3 Teacher Job Posting flyer
Structured Literacy Coach for School Year: 2024–2025
The structured literacy coach will support school sites in implementation of structured literacy in schools requesting coaching supports. This aligns to the statewide literacy initiative and efforts between the Regional Education Cooperatives (RECs) and representatives of the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED). Literacy coaches must have the ability to support teachers, school reading coaches, interventionists, and administrators in planning, organizing, and delivering instruction to meet individual and school needs utilizing state guidelines and district or charter school Literacy Plans. Assignments will include primarily in person support but will also have the opportunity for some virtual (synchronous and asynchronous supports). Literacy coaches will also be responsible for developing and delivering professional learning opportunities as it relates to school needs in Structured Literacy evidence-based practices. Coaches will be trained as local LETRS 3rd Edition Facilitators to support providing professional learning in LETRS to supporting schools and REC member districts. For a complete job description, please see the Structured Literacy Coach job description. Please apply for the Structured Literacy Coach position online.

Equal Opportunity Employer

SWREC is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, marital status, or handicap/disability in employment practices or the provision of services.